Agro Product Care (Pvt) Ltd


Controlled Atmospheric Cold Store with capacity of 2000 tons/ month with Solar Power System 600 KWP

Project LocationKarachi
Project Cost345
Cost of Solar Solution43

Project Overview

Dairyland (Pvt.) Limited is a leading brand in the dairy sector with operations running successfully across the country. Dairyland is a progressive and fast- growing company, well known for its high quality and nourishing products. It is a major supplier of value added dairy products. It introduced modern dairy farming, ensuring better milk yield & compliance with bio-safety standards.

SEDF’s Assistance

SEDF has provided an assistance of Rs. 10 Million to Ali Ali Rice Mill. The pSEDF has provide an assistance of Rs.19 Million for integration of automatic milking parlor. Thus, milk is collected using optimal hygienic conditions. No hormonal injections or antibiotics are given to the cows, ensuring pure, fresh and wholesome milk, free from side effects. The project has also generated direct employment of 300 people & indirect employment of 200 people.roject has elevators, paddy separators and silky polishers installed that improved the production