Sindh possesses 71% of Pakistan's total marine resources.
Sindh’s fisheries sector is a significant contributor to the province’s economy and food security. The sector includes freshwater and marine fisheries, with a focus on commercial and subsistence fishing.
Key Statistics
- Catch: Sindh accounts for approximately 60% of Pakistan’s total fish catch.
- Revenue: The sector generates around PKR 150 billion (approximately USD 0.9 billion) annually.
- Employment: Over 1.5 million people are directly or indirectly employed in the sector.
- Export: Sindh’s fisheries sector exports worth around PKR 50 billion (approximately USD 0.3 billion) annually.
- Export Potential: Sindh can increase exports of seafood to Middle Eastern, Asian, and European markets.
- Domestic Demand: Growing urban population and middle class in Sindh create demand for seafood.
- Value Addition: Opportunities for value addition through processing, packaging, and branding.
- Aquaculture: Potential for sustainable aquaculture practices to increase production and reduce dependence on wild catch.
Investment Opportunities
- Fishing Fleets and Gear: Upgrading fishing fleets and gear to increase efficiency and reduce bycatch.
- Processing and Packaging: Investing in modern processing and packaging facilities to enhance value addition.
- Aquaculture Farms: Establishing sustainable aquaculture farms to increase production and reduce dependence on wild catch.
- Logistics and Transportation: Improving logistics and transportation infrastructure to reduce costs and enhance efficiency.
Objective is to establish Commercial Scale Semi Intensive Shrimp Farms along the coastal belt of Sindh in collaboration with potential investors and experienced individuals.
Commercially viable In contrast to othble species, the coastal belt of Sindh has over 40 species of fish and shellfish and 15 species of shrimps. However, following five types of shrimps found in the coastal region of Sindh are dominant and commercially important:
- Penaeus indicus (Indian White Shrimp)
- Penaeus merguiensis (Banana Shrimp)
- Penaeus monodon (Tiger Shrimp)
- Penaeus vannamei (Pacific White Shrimp)
- Penaeus semisulcatus (Jaira shrimp)
Proposed Location
The farm can be set up in District Thatta, District Sujawal or District Badin in Sindh Province, which provides the ideal site and climatic conditions for the growing of commercial species such as White Legged (P Vannamie) and Black Tiger (P. Monodon) Prawns.

Rawah Farms Aquaculture Venture is a pioneering initiative in Pakistan, showcasing the nation's potential for innovation and sustainable development in the aquaculture sector.